Jul 8, 2007


Hello friends,

I'm Kristina. This is just an introduction post; I haven't had a "blog" of any kind for quite some time now so this is all a little foreign to me but I thought it would be a nice idea to have a journal of some kind to write in while I'm traveling around playing shows with the Eskimo, and maybe even onward from then.

Anyway- the first show is in philly on July 20th. We have a radio show that afternoon. If you're from Philly just tune into AM 1340 w.h.a.t. OR you can listen online: http://www.skinradio.com/listenlive.php

P.S. The album is so close to being done I can smell it.


1 comment:

José Eusébio Contreiras said...

I´ve hear your name at about 2 years ago, in a internet page, with a song, i guess, and i've stayed with your name to see your work now. I hoppe and wish to you and your band a long long long future becouse your voice is beautiful and your influences are very good. every thing good to Living in polaroids. I'm sorry the bad english =:)